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* Multiple guesses with a 24 hour span will result in the second and subsequent guess being scrubbed, and you will be precluded from further participation in this puzzle.
* Once you post an ID attempt, you must wait 24 hours from the time stamp on that post until you make your next ID attempt.
Now, on to the fun
Below are two tables of rare and not-so-rare record albums, each with a motor vehicle or vehicles featured on the cover. I've modified the album art to conceal the name of the artist, and the name of the disk. I've only modified the vehicles to conceal any badges that reveal what they are (though most are very easy).
For 1 point each, tell us three things about each piece of music album art:
Only a complete answer will earn a point!
Identify the the artist, the album title, and (at least one of) the vehicle(s) pictured on that album cover.
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