I have at times been questioned by members: why did I leave some puzzles to sleep in that remote quarter of Autopuzzles that is this PAFW section.? Why didn't I open them to all in the Pro section, where they would soon be solved by an ambitious Expert or Rookie, was I told.
I must confess that one of the pleasures of an Autopuzzlers is to keep his fellows stumped for a while, and that he may have more chances to do so and attract attention in a section with only 15 threads than in the Big Pro section of 110+
Stumped for a while... that is if you don't stumble into Otto and he's just been visited by aliens from the Andromeda galaxy, who taught him overnight all there is to know about everything.
If you do, you have no other option than to drop your cherished child in this deep, deep well, the Solved Puzzles section, where, like in heaven or hell, he will be reunited with all his companions, every puzzle that ever existed, and be no more than a face in the crowd.