This, like the infamous 3 million dollar 2 seater F-88, F-88 MK II, and amoung others, were based on a Corvette frame.
Not having found any pix other than the one above, this car might have been the first to have the split window first found in production on the '63 'Vette. If not, the first was the '56 Golden Rocket.
There doesn't seem to be any pix of this car "in the metal", so I'll have to go with '55 Cutlass Fastback Coupe mock up.
There was a '54 Cutlass Coupe. Front bumper looked like a '56 Olds, and the rear looked like a '59 Olds all in a short Corvette 2 seat platform that looked very imbalanced.
The above car looks inbetween the Cutlass Coupe and the Golden Rocket.
I know you wanted more than just a guess, but this is the best I could do!