Thank you Paul ,
About Michel Beligond
to consider these 3 facts
1 the ending career of Geo Ham for 24h in 1956 ...
2 the no signature "slot racing clock track" event poster of 1957 24H ...
3 the upcoming new Beligond's collaboration in 24h event posters from 1958 ...
i'st very intersting to compare Ham and Beligon's style
I would say ..
"Geo Ham raises the hairs on my arms" !
"Beligon's style is so cool" !
just have a look at
1955 24h official Poster : BRrrrrrrrrrr ! Ghost Race ...
1956 24h official Poster : Ben Hur car racing !
1957 24h official Poster : nobody ... no cars on this one not even a signature
1958 24h official poster : This car smiles like a clown
1959 24h official poster : "The Ballet" start type Le Mans
Seems that Beligond gave peace at the 24 h le Mans race by the picture after the catastrophe !
Thank you for reactions , ideas or known facts for this subject
to come : Michel Beligond super convertible Simca Document ; Pure Delirium or real project ?