AutoPuzzles - The Internet's Museum of Rare Cars!
Puzzles, Games and Name That Car => Solved AutoPuzzles => 2011 => Topic started by: Wendax on April 18, 2011, 03:03:22 AM
Ready, steady, ...
For one point, please respond and identify the man, the boy and (the easy part) what real car served as a paragon for this pedal car.
Growing up
Well, the pedal car is based on a Maserati
So the man is probably Italian - Luigi Villoresi? And his son?
You are right about the pedal car resembling a Maserati and the boy being the son of the man, but that's hardly surprising. Unfortunately, the man isn't Luigi Villoresi.
One of the Maserati brothers?
Sorry, the only Maserati on the picture is the pedal car :)
He looks like Francesco Stanguellini..
Vittorio Stanguellini and his son Francesco outside the new works on via Schedoni in 1951.
Damned! I can't believe it!! The second game that I lost! :taz:
Vittorio Stanguellini and his son Francesco outside the new works on via Schedoni in 1951.
Yes, correct. Another point for you.
Bad luck, Allemano, this is the land of complete answers. But I am amazed you recognized the boy and not the father ;)
Bad luck, Allemano, this is the land of complete answers.
Nice that you reminded me otherwise I wouldn't have known.. :censored:
Sorry Allemano, it was touch and go to get my answer in before you replied again.
I should add the pedal car was built by the Stanguellini works to resemble a Maserati single seater.