OK, I think both of you have been viewing the same website and I know it too (it was the link f1fan posted)
I assumed f1fan meant it was a proposal for the original 60 Special VVV, but perhaps he didn't mean that. Although it does say on that site that it was 'perhaps' a proposal for a new 60 Special, I don't know if Cadillac actually said so at the time or if it was just one of many proposals for a new post-war car, which is what I had it as.
However, f1fan has really got to the bottom of it and it is a 1946 clay model for a new post-war Cadillac, so it's his point and Solved! Well done!
Sorry Vincent, you have the same but not first, so you remain on 19 points which means you can still answer Rookie puzzles! Not for long though, I don't think..