Wow - I've been checking in every day because I love this car. I can't believe nobody's even touched it!
So I'll stick my newbie neck out and go with some random thoughts...
British? (Or at least, British-based?) I see those tripod headlamps that were so popular on British cars back in the 60s. The little dash-mounted mirror looks like the dash-mounted mirror on every car out of the England in the 50s and 60s. And of course, there's the dark green color. Maybe not what I think of as "BRG" but still a deep green. The windshield looks very Austin-Healey, and the shape is sort of AC-ish. And the little round badge above the grille looks yellow with a triangle of some sort inside. An upside down Lotus emblem??? Nah - couldn't be!
But wait a minute - it's left-hand drive. The countryside looks very Central/Southern California, but the license plate is too low and wide for a US plate (assuming a local plate). Maybe Tuscany or southern France? But what country ever had red front turn signals???
The side-grille in the fender looks kind of... um... You know, the more I think about this, the more stumped I am!
I give up!
(But I still like it, and hope to see more pictures!) (And please tell me it has a British straight-6!)