I feel the need to say "who cares?" It's a plastic 911 replica of which there have been numerous manufacturers worldwide and, apart from the poorly executerd or special editions, you can not tell one replica from another. In my opinion this puzzle is as pointless as trying to determine which Caterham 7 replica or Cobra replica is pictured............sorry if this offends anybody...just an observation.
I feel the need to clarify a little. Plastic is made from petrolium(oil), glass is made from silica(sand). There is a difference & fiberglass is a fine material to use for all manner of products. This is what archaelogists' find, in the future, not any metal cars..but composite cars. Anyhow, we are all entitled to our opinions...happy puzzling. There are of course some plastic component cars, one that comes to mind is the AMT Pirahna. This component car is most likely made out of fiberglass.
a) I'm with Pelland about telling one plastic replicar from another.
b) Strictly, the material used for these devices is Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) sometimes known as GRC (Glass Reinforced Composite), as fibreglass is the reinforcing medium not the material itself, cf. Carbon Reinforced Plastic (CRP/CRC) where carbon fibre is used. In both cases a considerable portion is a chemically-set plastic, such as epoxy resin.
I know in casual speech we refer to GRP as fibreglass and CRP as carbon fibre, but that's on a par with referring to ferro-concrete as steel!