New Zealand. What I have: "Tri-Via on the other hand is the third car built by John. Starting with a Bambina that was turned into a Ute and called the "Four.B.Two" which was built back in 1985. This car unlike the next two had four wheels, albeit small ones. The entire framework was hidden under an aluminium skin and featured a wooden steering wheel. John is very much anti fibreglass so this car was also clad in aluminium. The second car was called "Three.B.One" and was a three-wheeler in the same configuration as Tri-Via with one at the back and two at the front. Again built from parts lying around the garage this car used an entire motorbike to propel it along in a similar vane to Tri-Via. Luxury features were a flip-top roof and again a wooden steering wheel made by John. John wanted to use a motorbike because he discovered that they come totally self-contained. Everything is there and in a very small, light package. Steering is 'T' bucket style and all instrumentation was motorbike. However this car was never finished. Once John had got it mobile the challenge of building it was over and it was never really finished. Thus it was that Tri-Via was started. In this case it was designed to be an improvement on the Three.B.One and to sort out all the minor irritations that John had with the first design. This time however the challenge was to get it mobile and registered. None of his three-wheelers have been what you would call pretty, but to use the farm analogy again, they were designed to be functional. Hence if you were looking for a style to describe them I would suggest the "agricultural look" rather than "aerodynamic" or the currently trendy "retro"."