Well franck you really do surprise me there.
Below are pictures of the Ashley Sportiva, which you can clearly see is the same body as the puzzle picture. Certainly EB (Edwards Brothers, who had taken over the Ballamy projects) were involved both with Ashley and with Morgan at that time, but I certainly never knew they had actually put an Ashley body on to a Morgan chassis and called it a Morgan!
What they had done with the Ashley body was mated it to an EB chassis to produce the Sabra prototype, as I said in my reply. Also what EB were doing was designing a more up-to-date Morgan for Peter Morgan as an official job, but the result of that, as far as I knew, was the domed-roof Morgan Plus 4 Plus, not this car, which frankly was nothing new having been in production for some years already as an Ashley and was also the basis for the new Sabra and Reliant Sabre sports cars! What were they thinking about?
Whose stand is that then that the puzzle photo depicts? I'll have to do a lot more digging to find out the truth behind this story, because I suspect that some misinformation has spread into the system somewhere and is now accepted fact...