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What I've read Cunningham got the car not before 1948
One of the cars Cunningham loved was theMercedes SS but feeling he “couldn’t afford it” heturned to a friend to build a car that would emulatethe SS. The friend happened to be the chief engineerof Buick and the result was one of America’s firstroad racing specials, the BuMerc. Built on a Buickchassis with a special Buick engine, a modified bodythat came from a wrecked SS, Cunningham had hisfirst race car. Not yet racing, he loaded the car toMiles Collier to race in the 1940 World’s Fair GrandPrix where he was running second before coming torest against a light pole.WWII brought an end to racing and having held apilots license for several years, Cunningham servedin the Civil Air Patrol for the duration of the conflict.Once hostilities ceased, Cunningham along withmany of his car enthusiast friends, joined the newlyformed Sports Car Club of America. Since hismother had passed away, he was now free to try hishand at racing cars. He entered the BuMerc Specialin his first important event at Watkins Glen in 1948and finished second. Car racing had now replacedsailing as his primary focus.