Was the car made by Kynast?
Whooom! He made it again.
This was an abandoned Microcar project by Kynast from 1985
¹ (?). Unfortunately I can't find anything about it on the internet and have to rely on one source only.
Otto Kynast und sein Sohn Werner etablierten sich 1951 als Fahrradhändler in Quakenbrück² und gründeten die Otto Kynast OHG, die auch bald Fahrräder und Campingartikel zu produzieren begann. 1966 wurde das einmillionste Fahrrad hergestellt. Ab 1973 wurden auch Fahrräder mit Elektroantrieb entwickelt. Als erster deutscher Fabrikant bot Kynast bot BMX-Räder an.
1985¹ entstand der Prototyp eines Elektroautos unter dem Namen Kynast City-Car. Das Projekt des Zweisitzers blieb im Entwicklungsstadium stecken, weil man keine geeigneten Batterien geringen Gewichts fand, die einen größeren Aktionsradius erlaubten.
¹ I guess my source is wrong here. Bersenbrück already lost its own numberplate BSB in 1972. After that it got the OS plate of Osnabrück. However the car looks much older than 1985.
² the geo-picture shows Quakenbrück where Kynast was located. Quakenbrück got the same plate as Bersenbrück till 1972.
via GoogleTranslator:
Otto and his son Werner Kynast established in 1951 as a bicycle dealer in Quakenbrück and founded the Otto Kynast OHG, which soon began to produce bicycles and camping equipment. In 1966, the millionth bike was manufactured. From 1973, bicycles were developed with electric drive. As the first German manufacturer offered Kynast offered to BMX bikes.
In 1985, the prototype of an electric car developed under the name Kynast city car. The project of the two-seater car was stuck in development stage, because there was no suitable light weight batteries, which allowed a wider range of activity.