Not sure about the steam power. And Hughes and Atkins did not yet exist when this car was constructed.
The following is an excerpt from
The history of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (Volume , by Thomas Williams Bicknell. published in 1920:
WILLIAM HUGHES, founder and president of the William Hughes Company, Incorporated, well-known in the business and manufacturing circles of
Rhode Island, was born in Lancashire, England, May 28, 1863, a son of James and Alice (Fish) Hughes, who came to America in 1882. The father died December 25, 1870, and the mother died November 2, 1904, leaving four children: William, no further mention; James E., of Esmond, R. I.; Sarah J., wife of John T. Singleton; and Mary Elizabeth, wife of John T. Baron, of Providence.
William Hughes attended the public schools until eight years of age, and under the English law was allowed to work in the print mills one-half of each day, the other half being spent in school. This plan continued until he was in his twelfth year, when he was put to work the entire day.
In 1882 Mr. Hughes came to the United States, finding a home in Olneyville, R. I., and a position in the Watennan Cotton Mill, now the Providence Combing Mills. He there remained fourteen months, going thence to the Atlantic Mills, there continuing twelve years, 18S3-95, rising to the position of overseer of the yarn winding department. After a few months spent in the insurance business he opened a bicycle and sporting goods store in 1896, having in connection therewith a small machine shop.
In this machine shop there was built the
first vehicle in this State to use gas as motive power, the car making its first appearance in 1899. He built fourteen in all, 1898-1902, the first three selling for $1,000 each, the price then being reduced to $850. In 1905 Mr. Hughes accepted the agency for the Reo car, and built up a business at the corner of Bough and Dike streets. Providence, and there continued in successful business operation until 1916. when he removed the old buildings and erected his present building, which is fire-proof and modern in every detail, well-adopted to its purposes. Here he located his business office, sales rooms, service station and machine shop, his business a very extensive one, all centered in the one building. The machine shop is an important feature of the business, supplying one hundred and eighty-nine mills and factories in New York State and the city of Philadelphia with a special vibrating gear. Other lines are also manufactured of general use, while the auto repair and general garage business is very large.
Mr. Hughes began business with one employee ; now the force numbers fourteen men, who are kept continually employed. In 1905 the William Hughes Company was incorporated under the laws of the State of Rhode Island, the president and treasurer was William Hughes; vice-president, James W. Mills; secretary, John T. Singleton. Mr. Hughes has taken a deep interest in public affairs, and is now serving his second term as councilman, representing the Eighth Ward. He was one of the organizers of the Rhode Island Automobile Association, and is a director of the same. He is president of the Olneyville Business Men's Association, a member of the Sunset Club, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Providence Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Mr. Hughes married, in Providence, November 28, 1888, Elizabeth King, of Providence, daughter of John and Isabelle (McNabb) King. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes are the parents of three daughters: Edith .Mice, born Nov. 5, 1899; educated in music in Providence and Boston, specializing on the violin, and director of an orchestra of sixteen pieces. 2. Bertha Isabelle, born July 26, 1900; a graduate of high school, now a student at Kingston College. 3. Dorothy Elizabeth, born March 2, 1904; now a student in high school. Mr. Hughes can honestly claim the title of a self-made man who, without aid or counsel, has built and developed a business which is a credit to any successful man.
The picture below is from another publication, dated 1919, by which time Hughes and Atkins had incorporated.