Author Topic: Barrett's #216 - Solved - 1961 Turandot special  (Read 1189 times)

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Re: Barrett's #216
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2011, 04:10:02 AM »
Yes, that's the one, well done! Unfortunately I've no more information about it, it would be great to think it still existed somewhere but that does seem unlikely after all these years

I don't really believe in coincidences, and wouldn't be surprised if the fact it's consecutively registered with a Fairlite G3 might be because the bloke who built it also built himself a Fairlite around the same time and registered both of them whilst he was at it.

Unfortunately Surrey County Council, like some other councils, handed over all their historical vehicle registration records to that behemoth the DVLA in Swansea to put on to their shiny new computer.  Trouble is, once the DVLA had transferred the records (ONLY those cars still in use though..) they proceeded to destroy all the old records going back to 1903, an act so criminal someone should have been thrown into the Tower of London for it.

The sensible councils kept their own historical records, and it is possible to find out from quite a few of them who registered what car and when, going right back to 1903.  Not Surrey, however...
Interests in life:  Cars, cars, cars - oh and