Hi, I think that this car is not the B52 Ghia coupe.... this design was made by Boano for Ghia in different versions and for different chassis, as the Fiat 1400 Coupe, the Alfa Romeo 1900 Coupe and finally the Lancia Aurelia B55 (the number of the chassis for the coachbuilders even if all the sources consider it a B52) . All those cars were called B-junior, in fact the logo over the rear wheel is B-junior. In my pic, you can see the Lancia B55, that is slightly different for the one you posted (the chrome trim on the side, the steering wheel position, the fin on the back is more accentuated in the Lancia,the space between the wheel and the door and between the wheel and the bumper)..I think this should be the Alfa Romeo, in fact the Fiat has got a different grille.I've got a book with all Ghia's designs and I will check when I'll be back home, 'cause I was not able to find a pic of the Alfa on the net.