Sorry to spoil your happyness, but I think the plot thickens.
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(translation from that page: )
Maes Louis Ainé 1928 - 1952
In 1928, Carrosserie Maes Louis Ainé started in Antwerp at 33, Sint Vincentiusstraat a workshop for car bodies. Not just cars, but trucks and busses were build up. Eventhough Maes was a relative small player on the market, he was rather well known, as he made beautiful designs.
In 1951 the company got into trouble when it took a order which the company could not handle from the "Buurtspoorwegen" railway company, after which the company went bankrupt.
If you look at his design on trucks and busses, like these:
Based on Mack
Based on Ford
you see a similarity in design.