Townsend Typhoon.
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"The "Townsend Typhoon" was the first brainchild of Frank Townsend from Tucson, Arizona. It started as a wood model in the early 50’s while Frank was still in high school and driving a 40's Olds. In the mid-50's he transformed the model to a masonite and plaster plug with help from Robert Townsend, Jack Voevodsky, Pete Voevodsky and other friends.
They built the fiberglass mold and created the first "Typhoon" body in a 16 hour workday by 3 people. The crew next set the body on a 1949 Plymouth chassis with an Olds power plant. Grille and lights were Hillman with Ford tail lights. (Pictured: The "Typhoon" prototype in downtown Tucson circa 1955). "