No, that's not the name I have. I give you one more chance to come in with the correct name.
After that I have to open it for all again. 
There are quite a lot infos available of this car, including all kinds of specifications you need to know, but maybe you have to use a certain tool. (quite common if you search outside your own borders
I really don't know how you can claim it's easy to find info on this car.
The normal big search engines produce just 2 or 3 results about Kei-class racing and none of them have details of the car (other than photos). I've also used the Japanese search engine sites and they only come up with the same results (Retroscene magazine, Big.. something or other and Madhouse who are the organisers of K4 GP and other Kei-class racing and which has no details of the cars on its site). Entering 'Sarah' produces no results at all on any search engine incl Japanese ones.
Maybe those in your country offer more but from here it's impossible to find anything more.
I've now spent far too much time on this so you'd better offer my point to someone else who may be able to use the information I have provided to find that last little piece of information you want.
Of course, if you have a note of the website itself about this car then of course you can read the details of it, but why do ALL search engines incl those in Japan provide no results?