OK, Christmas is now sadly a distant memory, so I've now managed to find some additional images of the CRG la Confort, both in its original form (with wrap around rear window, as illustrated), plus the later 'Series 2' version (the cover of the leaflet is pictured).
The first series 'la Confort' (as per Wendax's photo) was unveiled in April 1980 by small garagiste Ernest 'Ned' Chretien. Chretien had already built-up a small reputation for producing performance exhaust systems for a number of French cars (Renault, Simca, etc.), but le Confort was his first attempt at making an actual car. Chretien created the car with two employees, Albert Renaud and Gabriel Grondin, using their three surnames combined to create 'CRG'. Le Confort was powered by a Sachs 50 ADLX motor, and was the least expensive VSP on the French market for a while in 1980, priced at 13,600F, when a Vitrex Garbo cost 16,700F, and the popular Arola 15 an expensive 18,110F. Despite this price advantage, only 30 or so CRGs were ever built.