List of correct pairings:
car01 1961 Fiat 600 Coupe by Caprera matches 09 Caprera Island in Sardinia/Italy (João)
car02 Chenard et Walcker Aigle 8 matches location 02 Château at Aigle/Switzerland (Tom_I)
car03 N.J. Nikkei Taro matches building 06 home of the Nikkei Stock Exchange in Tokio (Paul Jaray)
car04 1917 Columbia Model D Six Touring matches building 10 the Whitley County Courthouse, Columbia City, Indiana (João)
car05 Wales and Edwards milk float matches location 07 the Penrhyn Castle in Wales (Tom_I)
car06 1920 Argonne Four Customer Roadster matches location 14 the Argonne National Laboratory (Paul Jaray)
car07 Triumph TR3 by Serra matches location 01 the 'Bramme für das Ruhrgebiet, Essen 1998' by Richard Serra (75america)
car08 Smolensky Supercar matches place 04 the station of Smolensk/Russia (Paul Jaray)
car09 1913 Metz Torpedo matches building 03 Centre Pompidou, Metz/France (João)
car10 1937 Indiana Model 80 Step Van Truck and location 11: the City Methodist Church, Gary Indiana (USA) (João)
car11 1931 Adler Standard 6 prototype matches location #08, Gropiusstadt (Gropius city) in Berlin (Tom_I)
car12 1933 Corsica Invicta S140 Low Chassis Tourer matches place 12 - the memorial of Pasquale Paoli at the market place of L'Île-Rousse/ Corsica (João)
car13 Sherwood Overseas electric car matches place 13, the 'Major Oak' of Sherwood Forest (jotage21)
car14 1957 Auto-Union GT Special matches with building 5 the U-Tower in Dortmund/Germany (Ehhxekt)
car15 1999 Tatra Renegate matches location 15 observatory Skalnaté High Tatra (pnegyesi)