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I don't recognise the track you posted - maybe in use for NASCAR nowadays?This doesn't really help that much in identifying the car though.Will keep searching as always.....
If no one minds, I'd finish it. It is a Gebhardt - Offy from 1975 as driven by Mike Hiss, but failed to qualify.P.S. But why you said it was not a circuit racing?
Quote from: faksta on November 30, 2010, 01:55:57 PM (...) Somewhere else' may also mean 'not in circuit racing', or not?This car is related to a race track which is not circular, at all..(...)
(...) Somewhere else' may also mean 'not in circuit racing', or not?
Okay - I thought it was a bit too old for the year.I'm more of a sports racing specialist and single seaters are sometimes difficult for me to identify.Anyway, well done Faksta. That should tie up an interesting and enjoyable group puzzle.
Results:#01 Cegga AC Ace (faksta)#02 Caracal D (faksta)#03 Huambo NSU by Amadeu Inácio from Angola (Paul Jaray)#04 Spider JSK from Czechoslovakia (faksta)#05 Lenkin GP (Ehhxekt)#06 Momo 2000 Opel Conrero (woodinsight)#07 Fiat 1100 Lombardo (faksta)#08 Alfazoni (João)#09 Katipo MJ70A (faksta)#10 Veeteor LS/R (faksta)#11 Hrubon 1300 Gordini 1968 (woodinsight)#12 Fiat 1100 Fona 1949 (woodinsight)#13 Wally Russell's Nedloh (woodinsight)#14 PORSHCE 908J-CVT (faksta)#15 Barqueta Competicion Suzuki 1000 (Oguerrerob)#16 (John) Bolster Special (woodinsight)#17 Mirage-VW from 1969 aka the Geraldes Special (woodinsight)#18 Mili VW (faksta)#19 Coral Special 1964 (woodinsight)#20 Mike Hiss' Gerhardt Offy Indy racer 1975 (faksta)