I know this is a bit old but I've seen this car at a small local car show when coming back from a trip one time.
I live in Illinois, near Chicago, and AutoZones are on every corner you see because Illinois is probably the place with the worst streets in the US, one of the shops was holding a classic car event and for some reason there was a 'Lamborghini.' This was probably when I was 11 (2014), so me not knowing anything about cars yet I thought this was some 'Tuned Lamborghini.' I convinced my parents that we should look around and when I got to the 'Lamborghini' I remember there was a Vendetta mask in the seat, and A Sign next to the car called 'Ventetta.' The guy who owned it was a typical rough rider American man who did not look like he would own a Lamborghini, so I dismissed the car for some kit car.
It's pretty funny seeing this here and other cars I've seen because then some good memories pop up. (Even though I'm too young to have memories.)