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The Grout Brothers quit producing steamers in 1905, when they listed 2 models, the puzzle car (12\18hp) and a gasoline 20hp. From then on, till 1912 there was always a gasoline car in their line-up: a 30\35hp (1906) a 35hp (1907-1909) a 40\45hp (1910) a 35hp and a 45hp (1911-1912).
The steamers were first tried in 1896 on experimental basis till 1900 when production started with the "New Home" Stanhope model, built in 1900 and 1901, followed by conventional steamers, Runabout and Stanhope, in 6 different models in 1902. Following year saw only 3 models, 2 runabouts (2 and 4 passengers) and a tonneau (the Locomotive!). In 1904, 2 steamers were available: a single 7 1\2hp Runabout or Surrey and a Twin 12hp Touring, with angular hood.