Wow, this must be a first; not only a car with whale penis accessories, but also one where the actual manufacturer has helped to clarify the puzzle. The car is indeed the Dartz Prombron from Lithuania, so VDP gets the point.
Latvia, Sir

Lithuania - is neighbour country.
yes, I am actual manufacturer - it sound funny or not.
We are very small team - and maximum we can make 20 cars in a year (now we opened new factory and may be we can make 50) - it's totally private and don't depend from any giant corporations.
As NO links here i wil copypast something from factory history;
At first it was automotive department at RBVZ - vagon factory.
First car was made at 1909.
First military car (it was SUV) at 1912.
First armored - 1914 (I will post later replica which was presented last weekend).
1915 - was evacuated to St.Petersburg.
1922 - was renamed to PROMBRON.
1998 - in St.Petesrburg mwas made first armored car under name KOMBAT.
2008 - in Baltic was made PROMBRON (ex.RussoBaltique) or DARTZ Kombat
2009 - car was presented at Top marques Monaco.