i lived in KawaKawa a small town in north of north island in New Zealand.
it was named that by the local paper and that was when we decided to give it a name.
we wanted concept and new Zealand in the name so we called it coNZept a nice symetrical logo
but as we did not go ahead with its production and perfection (a dreadfull mistake) we were convinced to design and make the NEEV electric truck
here we made a record that is unrecognised.
the two engineers colin horsefall and me Kay Edgecumbe started in christrchurch work shop and designed from th eground up an electrric truck which only had standard automotive parts such as wheels brakes and steering and other snall bits.
so the chassis, suspension, body, cab, wiring etc was all designed on the run with no drawings just a picture in our minds.
the result was in
6 weeks we had a truck on dispaly at a symposium for electric vehicles.
no changes were needed to go into production of another 9 vehicles. so unofficially we beat the americans and their jeep which took 7 weeks to design to the prototype / production stage.
so here it is
[img]my self Colin Horsefall left and manager clem Hibbot right
so privately we two claim the record for the fastest production prototype vehicle
we beat america
any way i now only have the honour of two of my efforts in musems and some more in private colections