1 - Maico Allemano
2- Proteus Arunas
3 - Framo Arunas
4 - Turner Arunas
5 - Stanguellini Allemano
6 - Sachsenring ImpishGrin
7 - Trekka Arunas
8 - Brennabor Arunas
9 - Hansa faksta
10 - Cizeta Arunas
11 - Wolseley Arunas
12 - Tornado Arunas
13 - Hotchkiss\Gobron-Brilie faksta\Arunas
14 - URO\ UMM Arunas\Joao Gois
15 - Cord Arunas
16 - Protea Arunas
17 - Puch Allemano
18 - Daewoo ImpishGrin
19 - Osella faksta
20 - Flint Arunas
What's left?
Aww nuts.
I guess in my absence I forgot the level of you guys' knowledge.
#6 is incorrect, it is not Sachsenring
#11 is incorrect, it is not Wolseley
#15 is incorrect, it is not Cord
#13 is Gordon-Brillie, so Arunas was correct.
#14 is UMM, so Joao Gois was correct.
Only #6, #11 and #15 left!