Hello, everyone. Otto "Solomon" Puzzles here...
neilshouse replied to this Rookie Puzzle from Ian Evan, in May of this year. Between answering the posed question "Know what it is", and Ian's response "...and the year?", neilshouse was promoted up from the Rookie ranks. Therefor, neilshouse cannot reply to the follow up question.
neilshouse has asked if he might be granted an opportunity to respond.
If the timing between the two events had been lesser - I'd say seven days or less - I'd be inclined to say no, right out. Also, if the original question had asked for the year of manufacturer, I'd also be inclined to say no.
However, since neilshouse answered the question originally posted, and a not-insubstantial amount of time had passed between his initial identification of the car, and Ian's follow-up question, I'm inclined to post neilshouse's answer to the follow up question which is:
Quote from: neilshouse, via email. 1913
If Ian agrees with your response, he may indicate so in this thread, and award you the point. Fair enough?