Well, the sky and the rest of the background must've been Photoshopped...
Damn, I love airplane-enguned cars...
I love them too, so I have made a list of road legal aero, tank and fire truck engined cars that I know:.
Bentley aero-engined by Bob Petersen
Bentley Merlin Special
Blastolene B-702
Blastolene Big Bertha
Blastolene Indy Special
Blastolene Special
Chevrolet Bel-Air by Castlemaine Rod Shop
Cramer Comet Allison engined
Gary Wales La Bestiali
Gary Wales Van Berck
Jameson Merlin
Jameson MKII
John Dodd The Beast
John Dodd The Beast II
John Ould Hispano aero-engined
Opel GT aero-engined
Pur Sang 12 liters
Rolls-Royce 1927 aero-engined
Rover SD1 aero-engined
Spitfire Special
Swendean Spitfire