Jörg wrote
"Hello to all of you,
Since the German language seems to enjoy some appreciation on this site, I’ll write some lines in German.
I am originally from Herne, just as the Pinguin. There I’ve been investigating this subject, almost 25 years ago, and I had contact with people who worked for the late company and also with owners of the built Pinguins. Thus I brought together the history of the Ruhrfahrzeugbau (the company that built the Pinguin) and the small three-wheeler. Since I didn’t have time yet to publish something about this in pressed version (apart from some minor articles in some specialized magazines), a few years ago I started the website.
The idea that it was a Fuldamobil is not that wrong, since the constructor of the Fuldamobil, Stevenson, also cooperated with the Pinguin. Though the design isn’t really his. I join another picture of a 1/10 model.
See you later,
Kind regards
The rest was, as I see it, just rubbish as a result of misunderstanding. And to be honest, making someones language ridiculous by writing senseless sentences can easily be understood is provacative. Jörg had been welcomed in German; if one doesn't understand this language, one can ask for a translation. Personally I'm always a bit surprised by the fact that only the use of the English language is taken for granted...