Well that's more like it
to summarise:
Town 1 - Ascot - Ray B.
Car 1 - Austin Ascot - Ray B.
Town 2 - Biarritz - Allemano
Car 5 - Riley Biarritz - Allemano
Town 3 - Bradford - DynaMike
Car 4 - Jowett Bradford - DynaMike
Town 4 - Cortina d'Ampezzo - Ray B.
Car 3 - Ford (Lotus) Cortina - Joao Gois
Town 5 - Monte Carlo - Joao Gois
Car 2 Chevrolet Montecarlo - Joao Gois
Town 6 - Versailles - Ray B.
Car 7 - Simca Vedette Versailles - Ray B.
The Simca may well be as Dynamike says, but it came off the SIMCA Car Club Australia site so just possibly there is some Australian variation there. However Ray B., who is French, after all, identified it.