Author Topic: Where and When #4 - Solved! Bonneville Avenger, Winfield, KS on 7/18/1964  (Read 2004 times)

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You're walking down Main Street (a clue) in anytown USA on a summer afternoon (another clue). And then you stumble across an automotive non-sequitur of the (presumed) high speed kind.

This photo was a publicity photo that appeared in a small town's newspaper (a clue), the day before (a clue) this car was to be used in an exhibition there. Another clue: The town is less than 100 miles from a larger city mentioned in one of Glenn Campbell's big hits from the 1960's. Of course, virtually every hit he had mentioned one or more towns.  :D

If you can ID the car, you can also likely tell us where and when this photo appeared in the newspaper.  [/center]
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 06:09:49 AM »
Art Arfon's Cyclops in Dayton Ohio?
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2007, 06:27:29 AM »
Good guess, but no.
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2007, 06:40:52 AM »
Have you ever heard the song "By the time I get to Dayton?"  No? Me either.    :hah:

The two towns that the debaucher of Tonya Tucker DID sing about, to my recollection, were Phoenix and Wichita.   Marty Robbins, on the other hand, put El Paso on the map, but that's another story.

Phoenix is NOT a small town but it might have been back in the days of twin beds. Witchita IS a small town, at least in attitude, and back then it WAS a really, really small town where people still looked into the noonday sun for signs of the dust cloud that presaged the arrival of the stagecoach.

So.......I'm going with Witchita, though what this vehicle would be doing there in the first place I have no idea. I am almost certain the Bonneville Salt Flats are quite a bit more than 100 hundred miles away from that location. And I don't recall any Glen Campbell songs about Salt Lake City.

Next!     :)
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2007, 04:52:18 PM »
Albuquerque is in one of those, songs, as well.

And don't forget Galveston, Houston, LA....
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2007, 08:20:59 PM »
Can't I just sleep with Tonya Tucker and forget about the puzzle?    ???
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2007, 10:16:48 PM »
If'n I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it's definitely an Arfons car. Probably the Avenger. Most likely it was on display before a run at Bonneville, maybe doing demo runs at a local drag track. Given the clues, I'd say around Wichita. Mid America dragway is around there, but it wasn't in existence back then. It would have been the Ark Valley Dragway, just outside of Arkansas City. Arkansas City has no Main Street. The closest one would be in Winfield, thus the newspaper would have to be the WInfield Daily Courier. I'd put the time around 1964 or so, before the Avenger got painted in STP livery. Probably in the summer, given the dress. I'd reckon it might have even been published on Saturday, July 18, 1964.

On Page 5.

If'n I had to hazard a guess.

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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2007, 04:18:28 AM »
Sure 'nuff.
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2007, 05:04:51 PM »
Could you be more specific?    :P
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2007, 08:48:08 PM »
The guy with the hat is "Hambone" Fitzsimmons and he's talking to Hank Burgess, who owns Burgess' Grocery Store two doors down. The guy in front is a drifter from Colorado who just happened to get in the photo. To the left of them are Stevie Johnston and Little Jimmy O'Connor, best friends since they were four. The guy to the left with his hands on his hips is Moe "Hammertoe" Bender Jr. a real miscreant with a bad attitude and foul breath. The front left tire of the Avenger is running three pounds light and the parachute was packed by Stacy McLellan at Arfons shop. Bob Tratoe of Akron Ohio will be driving the car for three runs on Sunday, starting at 1 PM, in an attempt to break its 1/4 record of 242 mph.

Oh, and the picture was taken in front of the State Bank building by Herlocker.
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2007, 09:31:56 PM »
The guy with the hat is "Hambone" Fitzsimmons and he's talking to Hank Burgess, who owns Burgess' Grocery Store two doors down. The guy in front is a drifter from Colorado who just happened to get in the photo. To the left of them are Stevie Johnston and Little Jimmy O'Connor, best friends since they were four. The guy to the left with his hands on his hips is Moe "Hammertoe" Bender Jr. a real miscreant with a bad attitude and foul breath. The front left tire of the Avenger is running three pounds light and the parachute was packed by Stacy McLellan at Arfons shop. Bob Tratoe of Akron Ohio will be driving the car for three runs on Sunday, starting at 1 PM, in an attempt to break its 1/4 record of 242 mph.

Oh, and the picture was taken in front of the State Bank building by Herlocker.

Yeah but who paved the road?   :scratch:

Sheesh.  :doh:
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2007, 06:37:08 AM »

Brother of Brenda "Cameltoe" Budinsky, I believe..... ;)
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2007, 03:59:11 PM »
I had the great pleasure of meeting Art Arfons once when he was inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America.  He was talking about how everything was done on the cheap as he didn't have any big-money sponsors.  He was from Ohio and bought his engines and other parts for their scrap value from Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton Ohio (Hence I mentioned Dayton in my guess).

If you look closely at the suspension. you'll see that the struts are actually scrapped landing gear struts from jet fighters!

He told mushe didn't know anything about jet engines at first - so he just bought three scrap ones and started swapping parts out between them until he figured out which parts worked, and ended up with one good engine from the three.  For a 'dynamometer' to test the engine, he just chained it between two trees, fired it up and noted how much the trees bent.  He said the neighbors got a little concerned about the noise and flames, but Arfons' farm was large enough that they couldn't do anything about it.

If the Air Force had scrapped an engine because it had ingested a bird or something that bent a compressor blade, then he just removed the bent blade and the opposite blade to keep it balanced.  An observant engineer once noticed the missing blades and was all upset that the two missing blades would mean an efficiency loss of 2%!!! - to which Arfons responded, "I figured that since I was starting out with 17,500 horsepower, I wouldn't miss the two percent very much, but apparently he did because to get more power, he later wanted to add an afterburner.  The air force considered afterburners to be top secret technology and wouldn't sell him any scrapped ones, so he designed and built his own.  I have a fuzzy memory of him saying his was successful enough that the Air Force wanted to classify his design as well, but I'm not as sure about that part of it.

The Cyclops car that I mentioned was used to break both the Land Speed Record and the water speed record -with the same vehicle!!! - he just bolted pontoons onto the suspension struts.  I do not recall if he succeeded in breaking the water speen record, but the Cyclops still holds the Land speed record to this day for an open-top (exposed driver) car.  Pictures of it are available at the Motorsports Museum and Hall of Fame website here:
« Last Edit: March 09, 2007, 04:19:57 PM by Motorace »
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2007, 06:13:55 PM »
For a 'dynamometer' to test the engine, he just chained it between two trees, fired it up and noted how much the trees bent.

 :lmao: :hah: :lmao:  We used to call this "Good old American ingenuity."  Of course, now someone has a patent on all of it.   :(

That is an excellent post, MR. Thanks!    ;)
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2007, 09:06:24 PM »
Mr. Arfons is a breed that is all but extinct in America. Bold, brilliant, fearless and naive to the point of reckless. God bless the pioneering spirit, if only there were more like him.
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Re: Where and When #4 - Packed with Cluey Goodness
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2007, 09:14:21 PM »
God bless the pioneering spirit, if only there were more like him.

I have my doubts I have much time left.
“Honi soit qui mal y pense”

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