Well, they certainly solved the problem of the exhaust overheating the passenger compartment. Looks like a 4 cylinder something or other as motive power and it also looks like it could be an aircraft engine.
How am I doing so far?
Not too good if you guesstimated only 4 cylinders. Did you try counting the visible spark plugs and estimating how many unseen ones might be missing?
Besides, radial engines always have an ODD NUMBER of cylinders (3, 5, 7, 9, etc) except in some extremely unusual cases of two-stroke radial engines...
It may look like an aircraft engine, but this engine was never used in any aircraft (and no, it's not missing a propellor).
Overheating turned out to be an insurmountable problem, but not for the driver. The driver's biggest problem was the 75%/25% forward weight balance that caused horrendous understeering - even when oversized tires were tried on the front (I do not believe these are shown in this photo).