Hi, that is an 1927-28 Indian Automobile with Continental engine. This is the only one of 5 made according to the book on Indian. It was recently donated to the future Springfield Museum of Transportation in Springfield Mass. The car has been in the Springfield indian museum under the care of owner Esta Mathos. These pictures were taken on Sept 23, 2006 at the donation ceremony and car show in Springfield.The Standard Catalog has some additional information: Aside from some experimental three-wheeled and four-wheeled cars that Hendee and Indian built from 1905 to about 1916, Indian’s only automobile-producing venture took place in 1927, when the company built four small cars, two bodied by Merrimac, one by LeBaron (no mention on who built the other one or two bodies). The effort cost Indian $65,000, and was shut down when Charles Levine took control of the company in 1929 and ordered all unprofitable activity stopped.