Errr... seperated by a common keyboard?
See, the 'N' is next to the 'B', which stands for "Boy, I'm a lousy typist", that is beneath the 'G', which stands for "Golly, I sure messed that up", that's adjacent to the 'F', which stands for "Freakin' A, how far off can I be?" that's beside to the 'D', which stands for "Dumbass", which is the word for people like me who make a royal botcheroo of things like this.
'D' is also, not coincidentally, the letter that I wanted to type instead of 'N'.
Carbide. The stuff to make Acetely... assetalen... asatal... the stuff that's not propane.
Did you ever wonder how I came by the name 'Porridgehead'? No? Funny, that's what everybody says.