Author Topic: Time to...?  (Read 1826 times)

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Offline knightfan26917

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Time to...?
« on: May 14, 2012, 08:52:54 PM »
"It's different now" __ Conway Twitty __ 'Goodbye Time'

Irony rocks.

I've recently learned that, in ~1 year, I'll lose the year-round garage storage (heated in winters) that I've appreciated the last 10+ years.  The couple that owns the house, building & property is moving to SC.  I will not have the funds needed to buy the place, though I would LOVE to live there.  So, since other similar storage options in the area are more expensive, unemployment continues & medical bills are still due ... it's probably time to sell my MCs.

Yep, life is still good.  It's just frustrating to watch things for which I've worked hard disappear due to no fault of my own.  At least I can still drive & write!  Hardly seems fair, but life isn't fair.  Things'll work out; they always do...correct?


Motor Gnomes:


Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
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"I never dreamed home would end up where I don't belong" __ Rascal Flatts __ 'I'm Moving On'

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Re: Time to...?
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 03:40:45 AM »
In my experience, they don't always work out as I wanted - or thought I wanted - but they work out as they should.

You wanna be the man, you gotta Name That Car!

Offline knightfan26917

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Re: Time to...?
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2012, 02:09:49 AM »
"There was a time I was a true believer" __ Jennifer Warnes __ 'I Know A Heartache When I See One'


Someone noted that this situation IS my fault since, for me, medical procedures/expenses are expected; of course, that person is correct.  Still, it's ironic that selling is partly because, less than 3 weeks after returning to full time work following my 11/11/2011 open heart surgery, I found myself out of employment from the company that had a campaign to promote "grill decency"....

The job hunt is not going well, but I've done some personal projects.  While I continue to try to get hired, I'm researching volunteer opportunities.  I've been applying to customer service, social media, web content editing, & marketing/sales careers.

Selling isn't ALL bad; POSITIVES in EVERY situation, right?  In this case, once my MCs are sold ... I won't own a front-wheel-drive nameplate vehicle (until Ch#$r%*et introduces the all-new front-wheel drive Caprice!) ...&... I'll have fewer boards/groups to visit, translating into more time for the remaining boards, driving, writing, etc.!  OK, so maybe those aren't complete positives....

BUT...I've had a great run, owning 5 MCs for 9 years & meeting many great people along the way, through road trips, events/gatherings/shows & cruise nights, including the record-breaking 2008 MidSummer Chitown Gathering that I set up.  We had 65 people, & it remains the ONLY show/gathering/event that ALL of my MCs attended together!  PICS:

All of my cars have special significances to me, so selling is MADDENING; I'm sure I'll shed a tear or more as each leaves for a new home/family.

Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
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"I ain't up to being strong now" __ Wynonna __ 'Is It Over Yet'